DON'T MISS: Wild Souls Gathering Summit "Spirituality Explained!" July 11-13th

About Wild Soul Gatherings

We are here to support your awakening and ongoing spiritual journey while holding space for your transformation with joy, peace, and love.

Our intention is to instill inspiration and positivity, therefore raising the consciousness of humanity to create a world where all can live in ease, joy, and well-being.

We value compassion and love which are the superpowers we embrace. Our dedication to service is founded through integrity, non-judgement, and inclusivity. Being human and flawed are some of our greatest strengths!

Our Mission

Hello, I am Dr. Sandra Maria and I am super pumped and grateful to share Wild Soul Gatherings with each of you! A little bit about myself…I have been a curious soul for as far back as I can remember. Always enthralled with the clouds, the stars, and especially the moon. Life just didn’t seem to resonate with what I was taught at home, in school, at church, or on the nightly news. There was always something more that I just could not really articulate or understand. Most of all I was never really sure how I fit, who I was, and how this life, the world, or the universe really worked. And so, my journey began. Moving from being an observer of life, to searching for the “truth,” and goodness the roads I traveled looking for that answer! I have come to realize that I am not alone in my quest to understand and know.

Dr. Sandra Marie

I have worked in the healthcare industry for over 40 years. I never imagined myself doing any other work - until recently. I truly was born to serve and being a nurse was a perfect fit! I spent most of my career in fast-paced emergency departments, saving lives, trying to get people on a positive path when they experienced the worst moments of theirs, and so much more. I moved up the career ladder, immersing myself in the corporate side of healthcare. My career has consumed most of my waking hours pulling me away from family, friends, and most of all myself. The nature of my work experiences and the events I have witnessed have repeatedly led to moments of reflection on greater truths and forces that influence our world. I began to explore energy work eventually becoming a Reiki Master. I met a medium who is now a best friend that reframed my whole understanding of our being and eternal existence and met an amazing astrologer who helps make sense of many of these experiences. I look forward to introducing and sharing these folks and many more with each of you!

My nursing career has afforded me amazing opportunities. While working in the Middle East I took advantage of opportunities to travel to Tibet where I deeply immersed myself in the sacred temples, monasteries, and a culture that is currently being dismantled. I meditated inside the great Giza pyramid of Egypt while having a mystical meeting with the statue Sekhmet and a past life experience in the Valley of the Kings. It is truly hard to explain that trip, especially since all these experiences were new for me. I enjoyed the Hindu holiday of Holi in Bangladesh, while volunteering at a hospital in the Rohingya refugee settlement. I am grateful for these and many other interesting trips. I am humbled by these experiences as well as the lives I touched personally and professionally, most of which have touched me right back. As my spiritual curiosity grew stronger, I started to immerse myself even more in books, courses, and travel that focused on spirituality, religious practices, energy work, quantum physics...I think you get the picture. I am currently in the final leg of a four year course, Mastering Alchemy, which also has been life changing. At the end of each experience I seemed to come to the same conclusions, the core teachings and beliefs were pretty much the same, just packaged and experienced differently. My epiphany; Glinda the good witch of the North had it right when she told Dorothy, in the “Wizard of Oz” who is trying to get home, “you’ve always had the power my dear.” I have reframed the sciences and physics that shaped my reality for so long, now with the infusion of spirituality I now know I AM that I Am, eternal, and “I have always had the power.”

I feel divinely guided by Spirit to move forward with the creation of Wild Soul Gatherings, a place for those who are curious, awakening, or already on a path steeped with spirituality. I am taking the leap and unleashing my Wild Soul. I have talked about buying a farm and opening a retreat center for decades. A respite for stressed out, overworked people to reconnect with themselves. A place for the spiritually curious to feel supported, connected, have an opportunity to learn, and take time to ground in nature.

I am stepping onto a different path of service focusing on awareness, awakening, and evolving our spiritual selves and wherever else this path may take us. Wild Soul Gatherings is a virtual community anchored in The Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast and a physical community anchored on Wild Spirit Farms. I like to think of myself as the poster child for, “All who wander are not lost.”

I look forward to meeting other spiritually curious wanderers and most of all I am delighted to be gifted the opportunity to support your journey and look forward to wherever those experiences may take each of us.

-Dr. Sandra Marie