Wild Soul Gatherings
Embrace Your Spiritual Self
Watch the Replays Now


30 minute distance Reiki Session with Dr. Sandra Marie, Reiki Master
30 minute session with Mark Robinson, Medical Intuitive
Birth Chart reading with Astrologer Penny Petys
Autographed copy of the Super Simple Astrology Guide by Penny Petys, Astrologer
Winner Kelly Gassyl
Winner Leann Smith
Winner Jeannie Townsend
Winner Margie Miller
Join us as we come together virtually to celebrate and explore our individual spiritualities and embrace new awakenings.

Your Spiritual Tribe is Waiting!
Do you feel stuck or unsure which spiritual path to follow?
Do the questions about your life's purpose outweigh the answers?
Does fear hold you back from exploring non-traditional paths?
Join us as we embark on a midsummer revelry of spiritual evolution
Enjoy The Replays
All Times EST
11:00am to 11:15am
Welcome to the Summit
11:15am to 12:00pm
Elise Free-Certified Energy Code Facilitator, Miracle Minded Coach,
"The Benefits of Deliberate Cold Exposure"
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Rev. Joe Geores- Master Tarot Reader
"The Tarot as a Spiritual Journey"
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Rick Hayes-Top 25 Psychic Mediums
"My Spiritual Journey as a Psychic Medium"
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Kate Troyer- Home Wellness Specialist, Feng Shui Lifestylist
"Discover the Secrets of Intentional Living With Your Home Space"
3:00pm to 3:30pm
Daily Wrap Up
All Times EST
11:00am to 11:15am
Welcome to the Summit-Day 2
11:15am to 12:00pm
Sarah Saxby-Intuitive Coach
"Comfortable Hell"
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Jayne Feldman-Angelologist
"Peace Offerings: An Abundance of Ways to Achieve and Maintain Inner Peace in Your Life"
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Dr. Chris Van Huysse-Certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher
"Walking a Labyrinth: Stepping into Light"
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Kim Coots-Spiritual Healer, Advisor, and Evidential Medium
"How to Find Answers to Your Soul-Searching Questions"
3:00pm to 3:30pm
Daily Wrap Up
All Times EST
11:00am to 11:15am
Welcome to the Summit-Day 3
11:15am to 12:00pm
Marina Shakour-Haber-Life Coach
"Expanding Your Reality: How to Go Beyond Consciousness
12:00pm to 1 :00pm
Siris Rivas Verdejo-Family-Child Coach, Speech-Langauge Pathologist
"Playing with the Seen and Unseen in Relationships"
1 :00pm to 2:00 pm
Penny Petys-Astrologer
"Secrets of the Birth Chart"
2:00pm to 3:00 pm
Nikki Ackerman-Reiki Master
"Is Living a Conscious Life Really Possible?"
3:00pm to 4:00pm
Q&A-Talk with the Presenters
4:00pm to 4:30m
Daily Wrap Up
All Times EST
11:00am to 11:15am
Welcome to the Summit-Day 4
11:15am to 12:00pm
Mark Robinson-Medical Intuitive
"What is a Medical Intuitive and How Does this Work?"
12:00pm to 1:00pm
Kat Lee-Trauma Informed Spiritual Business Mentor
"Alchemizing Fear"
1:00pm to 2:00pm
Penny Petys-Astrologer
Dr. Sandra Marie-Reiki Master
"Your Thoughts and Words Become Your Reality"
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Julie Baldino-Advanced Crystal Master, Reiki II and Trauma-Informed Energy Healer
"Energy Alchemy with Crystals to Heal Mind, Body and Soul "
3:00pm to 4:00pm
Q&A-Talk with the Presenters
4:00pm to 4:30pm
End of the Summit Wrap Up
Wild Soul Gatherings 2023 Summit Sessions
Rev. Joe Geores, Master Tarot Card Reader, presents The Tarot as a Spiritual Journey.
Does the Tarot interest you but fear keeps you away? Rev. Joe, a Master Tarot Card Reader, dispels myths and fears surrounding the Tarot and discusses using the Tarot as a spiritual journey. He shares that the Tarot is more than just an answer to the question at hand. Rev. Joe explains the healing energies of the Tarot. Those energies are available for self-healing and as a self-help tool.
Contact Rev. Joe
Email: revjoeg@comcast.net
Rick Hayes, Psychic Medium, Life Coach, Author, presents My Life as a Psychic Medium
Being one of the top 25 Psychic Medium's in the U.S. has led to some interesting experiences in life. Rick shares his journey with his special gift of psychic mediumship. He discusses how his gifts put him on a path of service to assist others, to grow as a spiritual being, and to support others on their unique spiritual journeys.
Contact Rick
Website: https://lifesgift.com
Email: Rick@lifesgift.com

Sarah Saxby, Holistic Nutritionists, Intuitive Coach, and Visionary presents Comfortable Hell
Sarah uses Kabbalistic Astrology, Human Design, and intuitive images in her work. She shares her powerful story and journey discussing Comfortable Hell. Comfortable Hell is an inspirational and eye-opening blog for women who are beginning to feel the pressure to change, to speak up, and to start living true to themselves. Sarah shares her own personal stories of abuse, the framework from which it was created, and how it relates to the way she has operated in adult relationships. Her stories are relatable and empowering and give women the inspiration to begin making the moves to a truly blissful life.
Contact Sarah
Website: www.comfortablehell.com Email: sarahsaxby72@gmail.com or contact@comfortablehell.com
Kate Troyer, Home Wellness Expert, Feng Shui Lifestylist, presents Discover the Secrets to Intentional Living with YOUR Home Space!
What if your home wasn’t just a place that was beautiful. What if it was a space that served you, that inspired you, that aligned with the highest version of yourself. What kind of life could that create? Home Wellness expert Kate, demystitifies Feng Shui and shares her own "special sauce" for creating, a harmonious, intentional living space.
Contact Kate Website: www.homesliceliving.com Email: Kate@homesliceliving.com
Jayne Howard Feldman, angelologist, presents PEACE OFFERINGS: An Abundance of Ways to Achieve and Maintain Inner Peace in Your Life
Who knew there were so many amazing opportunities to work with the angels, Angel Feng Shui, and Angel Numerology to name a few! Jayne is an amazing and enthusiastic angelologist who shares a multiplicity of ways to achieve inner peace in your sacred space; your home; and your life. She provides actionable suggestions to increase the energy in partnership with angels.
To receive Jayne's FREE E-Book containing the references she shared in her presentation email her at earthangel4peace@aol.com
Contact Jane:
Website: www.earthangel4peace.com
Email: earthangel4peace@aol.com
Nikki Ackerman, Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Therapist and Coach, LISW, presents Is Living a Conscious Life Really Possible?
Are you interested in living a conscious life but your not exactly sure how that looks , how to get there, or success just seems unattainable? Well meet Nikki! She will share her journey, the many phases of her evolution, and what living a conscious life might look like. Nikki shares experiences with down to earth and some days just humorous anecdotes.
Contact Nikki
Website: www.reikipagoda.com
Email: nikki@reikipagoda.com

Dr. Sandra Marie, Reiki Master Teacher, Life Coach, will be your host for WSG 2023 Summit Embracing Your Spiritual Self
Our entire life is a spiritual journey we live either consciously or unconsciously. Dr. Sandra Marie will discuss her unique journey throughout the summit. She will share her path to Wild Soul Gatherings, spiritual messages, her initial unease of exploring spirituality, synchronicities, the kicks in the behind, and evolving into a state of peace.
Contact Dr. Sandra Website: www.wildsoulsgathering.com Email: sandra@wildsoulsgathering.com

Penny Petys, Astrologer, Author, presents The Secrets of the Birth Chart
Penny is a passionate astrologer who infuses her enthusiasm and humor while sharing the more uncommon ways to leverage astrology in your life. Using the birth chart as the foundation of every persons astrology she touches on using astrology as a tool in managing relationships, personal life events, and recognizing familial ancestral patterns.
Contact Penny Email: wildsoulsastrology@outlook.com
Dr. Chris Van Huysse, Certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, Art Teacher presents Walking a Labyrinth: Stepping into the Light
Carrying the grief and anguish in losing her son, Chris discovered grace and light in walking a labyrinth. She has since walked labyrinths in locales across the U.S. This summer, Chris traveled as a pilgrim to Chartres France, walking the labyrinth there. Her talk offers insights into the “walking prayer” of the labyrinth— this path of peace.
Contact Chris Email: cvanhuysse@nls.net
Elise Free, Certified Energy Code Facilitator, Miracle Minded Coach, presents The Benefits of Deliberate Cold Exposure
Cold exposure, such as cold showers or ice baths, have been shown to enhance immune function, increase metabolism, and improve mental resilience. As a Certified Deliberate Cold Exposure Guide, The Morozko Method, Elise has experienced and witnessed first hand the benefits. She will share how the cold exposure activates the sympathetic nervous system which releases norepinephrine, activating brown fat cells which increases heat in the body. What Elise didn't expect to receive was the self-confidence and resilience to stress. Elise discusses the benefits, encouraging others to step out of their comfort zones and embrace the invigorating effects of deliberate cold exposure.
Contact Elise Website: elisefreepresents.net Email: elisefree@gmail.com
Mark Robinson, Medical Intuitive, Author, presents What is a Medical Intuitive and How Does This Work?
After over three decades of working as a medical intuitive Mark shares that most of the public is unaware of how powerful and effective energy work can be. He shares how energy work has positively changed many lives. Mark discusses what a medical intuitive is and how he uses the energy, dowsing, and muscle testing. Mark also talk about how the recent crack in the veil has changed how he practices.
Contact Mark Email: Spiritquester@gmail.com
Marina Shakour-Haber, Intuitive Coach, Motivational Speaker, presents Expand Your Reality: How To Go Beyond Consciousness
What does it mean to expand your reality? And how can you do so? Is it through reading and philosophizing or through doing and experiencing? What is reality anyway? Marina provides a simple explanation for reality and how to expand the reality we create.
Contact Marina Website: www.DreamABetterDreamNow.com or www.YourGPStoHappiness.com Email: marina.shakour@gmail.com
Kat Lee, Trauma Informed Spiritual Business Mentor, presents Alchemizing Fear
Fear seems to be permeating cultures across the world and can feel like an energy raging out of control. Kat, a trauma-informed Spiritual Business Mentor, who is rooted in the Daoist traditions, discusses how to alchemize fear using Daoist principles.
Contact Kat Website: www.empoweredcuriosity.com Email: kat@empoweredcuriosity.com
Siris Rivas Verdejo, Family-Child Coach, Speech-Langauge Pathologist presents Playing with The Seen and the Unseen in Relationships
As a speech-language pathologist, family-child coach, and body relationship coach, Siris has integrated energy work and traditional therapies into her work with positive outcomes. She discusses her work with the "seen" and the "unseen" focusing on relationships, and has an amazing story of how one Reiki session changed her life!
Contact Siris Website: www.empoweringlightlanguage.com Email: empoweringlightlanguage@gmail.com
Kim Coots, Spiritual Healer, Advisor, and Evidential Medium, presents How to Find Answers to Your Soul-Searching Questions
Although Kim built a successful Inc. 500 award-winning business career spanning 25 years, her struggles with past trauma, unworthiness, addiction, and attempted suicide led her to study and practice a spiritual healing path. Just as Kim finally felt like she’d found the magic and meaning in life again, her greatest fear became a reality when her only child died unexpectedly, followed by the deaths of five other loved ones in a short time. As Kim was struggling with her grief and loss, she became sick from exposure to toxic mold and began experiencing organ failure. She was also diagnosed with PTSD and Complicated Grief Disorder. After a dozen doctors and tens of thousands of dollars, Kim found little relief from her physical and emotional pain, so she turned to spiritual healing again to bring her mind, body, and spirit back into balance. Kim shares how she built a strong spiritual foundation and found answers to her soul-searching questions, and how you can too.
Contact Kim Website: www.kimcoots.com Email: Kim@kimcoots.com

Julie Baldino, Advanced Crystal Master, Reiki II, and Trauma-Informed Energy Healer, presents Energy Alchemy with Crystals to Heal Mind, Body and Soul
Driven by an unwavering passion for promoting a harmonious and balanced life, Julie specializes in the art of revitalizing spaces through the strategic use of crystals and smoke cleansing rituals, clearing blocked energy pathways within the body, and bringing clarity and guidance to those seeking a deeper connection with themselves and spirit. What sets Julie apart is her dedication to teaching others the art of impeccable energetic hygiene through uncomplicated and easy daily practices, empowering individuals to cultivate peace and serenity in their lives.
Contact Julie
Website: RitualRoom.net Email: Julie@RitualRoom.net. Phone: 360-910-3586

Mary Armendarez, Intuitive Healer, Motivational Speaker, and Power Retrieval Coach presents Getting YOUR Power Back!
Mary joins the summit as a surprise guest on Friday. She discusses power retrieval and shares two amazing meditations. This 10 minute presentation and very powerful and actionable!
Contact Mary
Website: https://maryarmendarez.com
What you seek is seeking you

Kate Troyer
Home Wellness Expert, Feng Shui Lifestylist,
Sandra hosts the Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious Podcast with listeners spanning the world. She founded Wild Soul Gatherings to support the growing population of souls curious about spirituality, and those looking to tune out the noise of the world and focus on reconnecting with their true self.
Rev. Joe Geores
Master Tarot Card Reader

Joe is a gifted medium who brings an eclectic background to the spiritual path. He has been studying, working with and teaching tarot for over 3 decades. His tarot readings, as well as his work with pendulums, Reiki and trance mediumship, help him provide insight and guidance for his clients, whether in person, online or by phone.
Dr. Sandra Marie
Reiki Master Teacher, Life Coach
Kate has been intuitively practicing Feng Shui since she was 8 years old. As a young girl, she started using her environment as a canvas for change by watching copious amounts of Martha Stewart Living. She learned that manipulating her environment created a safe space for growth and change. This leads to an internal ‘knowing’ that, your home has a profound effect on how you feel about yourself and how you show up to get what you want out of life.
Rick Hayes
Psychic Medium Life Coach

Rick is recognized as one of the top 25 Psychic Mediums in the U.S and best-selling author. For more than 19 years, Rick continues to share his inspiration and validations. He is a sought after and popular keynote speaker/lecturer in many venues including colleges/spiritual/business sector and well-being conferences. As a Life Coach, Rick has assisted many searching for ‘re-balance’ and purpose in life through individual consulting and on the speaking circuit
Kat Lee
Trauma Informed Spiritual Business Mentor

Kat Lee is a trauma-informed Spiritual Business Mentor and host of The Empowered Curiosity Podcast. She uses the tools of somatic and emotional alchemy to guide soulful entrepreneurs to approach their business as a spiritual practice. This allows them to cultivate businesses that are rooted in conscious values, ethical marketing and purposeful service.
Marina Shakour-Haber
Author, Motivational Speaker, and Intuitive Life Coach

Marina Shakour Haber is the author of ‘Dream a Better Bream’ and ‘Your GPS to Happiness’. She is also a motivational speaker and an intuitive life coach who has been certified in hypnotherapy by Mindvalley.
Marina helps people and businesses who seek change because something broke down, and now they need clarity, direction, and guidance to break through to their new purpose so that they find meaning, fulfillment, and success, but above all, happiness.
Siris Rivas Verdejo
Family-Child Coach, Body Relationship Coach, Speech-Langauge Pathologist

Siris Raquel Rivas-Verdejo is the owner of Empowering Light Language, LLC, where she creates a nurturing and expansive space for people to access their true selves and increase their awareness around communication, interpersonal relationships, culture, health, body awareness and choice, to name a few. She infuses energetic modalities into her services as a Family-Child Coach, Body Relationship Coach, Speech-Language Pathologist, and Learning-Behavioral Specialist with cutting edge psychology and results-driven empowering tools and strategies.
Penny Petys
Astrologer, Author, Life Coach

Penny is the author of The Super Simple Astrology Guide, she is passionate astrologer who uses astrology as a unique tool for coaching, providing insights and probabilities. Her special interests include biohacking, natural remedies, and family.
Mark Robinson
Medical Intuitive, Author

Mark Robinson is a medical intuitive with over 30 years of experience. He uses dowsing and his intuitive style to find root causes and origins of destructive imprints, beliefs, patterns and memories in all your lives and alters or removes their frequency so they are no longer sabotaging your life. This sets the stage for you to make a positive changes in emotions, thoughts, actions, and physical well being that will facilitate your growth, evolution and transformation.
Elise Free
Certified Energy Codes Facilitator, Miracle Minded Coach

Elise Free creates bespoke experiences incorporating modern biohacking technology with ancient energy modalities. Her retreats take place in architecture masterpiece homes around the nation. She also creates these experiences in locations around the world allowing your travel tour to become more than just a vacation. Elise is a Certified Facilitator for the Energy Codes by Dr. Sue Morter, A Miracle Minded Coach taught by Marianne Williamson and a Certified Deliberate Cold Exposure Guide, The Morozko Method.
Sarah Saxby
Holistic Nutritionist, Intuitive Coach, and Visionary
Nikki Ackerman
Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Therapist and CoachLicensed Independent Social Worker
Jayne Howard Feldman

Sarah focuses on personal transformation and expanding consciousness. She uses Kabbalistic Astrology, Human Design, and intuitive images to deeply understand her clients and to begin the initial de-conditioning process that brings a new awareness, as well as the eyes to see what they have not yet been able to see.
Comfortable Hell: An inspirational and eye-opening blog for women who are beginning to feel the pressure to change, to speak up, and to start living true to themselves. Sarah shares her own personal stories of abuse, the framework from which it was created, and how it relates to the way she has operated in adult relationships. Her stories are relatable and empowering and give women the inspiration to begin making the moves to a truly blissful life.
Nikki is a compassionate holistic therapist and coach who enhances peoples’ lives through personal and spiritual transformation. She is a humanitarian at heart. She is the founder of Reiki Pagoda and Holistic Wellness located in Rocky River, Ohio, and is well known as a Reiki Master Teacher. Nikki has experience with metaphysical and spiritual practices since being a young child and incorporates these practices into her work. She is also a Licensed Independent Social Worker specializing in the field of mental and behavioral health. Her combination of experience provides a wealth of knowledge to support positive change in the people she works with.
Jayne is an author, the founder of BE AN ANGEL DAY – celebrated annually on August 22nd. Additionally she is the founder of INSPIRE YOUR HEART WITH THE ARTS DAY celebrated on January 31st. She is an ordained interfaith minister, Reiki Master and curator
of Angel Heights Healing Arts Center. Jayne maintains a private spiritual life coaching and
counseling practice offering telephone and in-person consultations . She also produces a monthly inspirational CD for subscribers around the world.
Dr. Chris Van Huysse
Certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher

Meet the speakers

Kim Coots
Spiritual Healer, Advisor, and Evidential Medium
A career-long educator and art teacher for at-risk kids, Dr. V is now a certified trauma-informed yoga teacher. She teaches youth at a juvenile center in Cleveland, OH and also at a summer camp for at-risk kids.
Many years ago, Dr. V read Walking a Sacred Path, by Lauren Artress, an Episcopal priest, based at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. In the 90s, Lauren Artress established Veriditas, an organization dedicated to providing information, classes, and installations focused on labyrinths across the world.
Labyrinth classes are offered in the Chartres Cathedral in France. In June, Dr. V fulfilled a long-held dream and took a class, focused on the labyrinth in Chartres.
Although Kim has been an Inc. 500 award-winning leader succeeding in the business world for over twenty-five years, Spirit had a different calling for her. Kim’s spiritual gift awakened in 2002 when she received her first visit from Spirit.
Kim was skeptical and uncomfortable about mediumship and after death communication (ADC). But personal tragedy changed the trajectory of Kim’s life and career when her only child, Keira, died unexpectedly from an accidental drug overdose.

Julie Baldino
Advanced Crystal Master, Reiki II, and Trauma-Informed Energy Healer
Julie Baldino, energy alchemist and founder of Ritual Room, is an esteemed pioneer in the realm of spiritual well-being. With extensive training in the use of crystals and a deep commitment to transforming the energetic landscape, Julie has emerged as an Advanced Crystal Master, Reiki II, and trauma informed healer. Her teachings resonate with simplicity, making the often intricate and elusive world of spirituality accessible to all. Julie's expertise, honed by years of experience and multiple certifications in various modalities, has garnered her a reputation as a trusted authority in the field, whether she is infusing a space with good vibes or guiding individuals on their spiritual path.

Mary Armendarex
Power Retrieval Coach, Intuitive Healer, and Motivational Speaker
Mary's passion is helping others raise their vibration and step into their own individual power. Ten years ago, during a period of self-introspection and reflection, Mary concluded that she no longer needed to live with fear and anxiety. Now she leads a life of freedom, self-love and self mastery. She loves to teach others to discover and utilize their power within so that they may realize their true potential for freedom, self-love and abundance.
Mary has spoken at numerous conferences, including the Conscious Life Expo and New Living Expo and her self-healing products have been featured in Nordstrom. Mary has been featured in many magazines around the country and you can always find Mary on YouTube, sharing new guided meditations and healing techniques.
Kim Coots
Spiritual Healer, Advisor, and Evidential Medium