Allow Love to Be What Matters Most with guest Cynthia Ambriz
Episode 39

Episode 39
Cynthia Ambriz joins Dr. Sandra Maria to discuss the many facets of her work. They cover a range of topics on spirituality including healing, spiritual B.E.S.T practice, Energy Codes, and science related to spirituality.
Cynthia discusses the different dimension “spirituality” adds to coaching and therapy differing from traditional coaching and therapy. She also explains quantum transference and the quantum flip using a healing example.
The two discuss Spiritual B.E.S.T practice and clearing subconscious interference's that affect and influence our quality of life in ways many of us lack awareness. Cynthia also shares her work as Master trainer of the Energy Codes Work created by Dr. Sue Morter. She goes into describing the energy codes practices. Being a "New Thought Minister" through Agape which works with the science of mind, working with spiritual principles.
The conversation moves on to healing from early life trauma, releasing fear, and addressing anxiety. Cynthia talks about her new book "Life Finds A Way" and the influence of familial/ancestral linage and healing the wounds of the linage.
Bio: Cynthia is committed to assisting individuals to heal emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually so that they can access and fulfill their greatest destinies. She is a spiritual therapist licensed through the Agape International Spiritual Center and an Agape minister having completed her ministerial studies at the Michael B. Beckwith School of Ministry.
She debuted as an author with her book “Life Finds A Way - A Journey of Healing and return to Wholeness.” In Life Finds A Way, Cynthia gives a wonderfully honest account of her life so far and tells a beautiful story of finding inner Truth. Through her own experiences, she shares wisdom on how to find your home and find the Real YOU. Discover how life's challenges can be the life lessons we need to grow. Understand that even though something may seem difficult, it is often the path to something greater. Believe in the healing processes of the journey and know they are designed to lead you to your True Self.

Welcome to Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious!
Join us for discussions on the current state of spirituality!
Host Dr. Sandra Marie gets together with her energetic and intriguing guests for passionate and jocular conversations that include sharing personal and professional experiences and practices on each of their unique spiritual journeys.
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Welcome to Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious!
Join us for discussions on the current state of spirituality!
Host Dr. Sandra Marie gets together with her energetic and intriguing guests for passionate and jocular conversations that include sharing personal and professional experiences and practices on each of their unique spiritual journeys.
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