“Happiness is the New Normal” with guest Sara Saxby
Episode 8

Episode 8
Dr. Sandra Marie brings podcast host and intuitive coach Sarah Saxby to the show. Sarah talks about her podcast “Wisdom Warriors” which is rebranding to “Inspired Minds Combine”. Dr. Sandra Marie asks about her two favorite episodes on Consciousness and What is Normal. Sarah talks about her spiritual journey from Buddhism to her work with the Kabbalah. The conversation covers spiritual teacher and channeler Esther Hicks and Abraham and moves on to Sarah’s journey of becoming an intuitive coach.
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Bio: Sarah Saxby, NC, is a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Intuitive Coach that works with her clients using north & south node astrology, as well as Human Design. For many years, Sarah has guided women in expanding their consciousness around deep-rooted issues and getting un-stuck from situations that seem hopeless. She is currently in the process of rebranding her coaching business, Strategies for Happiness, and building her blog, “Comfortable Hell”, where she openly shares her experience with narcissistic abuse. You can also check out Facebook for her podcast, Inspiring Minds Combined, where she and fellow co-host, Jen Z., discuss so many relatable topics in a fun and inspiring way.
website: www.comfortablehell.com
Email: sarahsaxby72@gmail.com
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Host Dr. Sandra Marie gets together with her energetic and intriguing guests for passionate and jocular conversations that include sharing personal and professional experiences and practices on each of their unique spiritual journeys.
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