The Apocalypse Has Arrived: Welcome to NEW Earth!

Episode 32


Episode 32

Mark Robinson returns to join Dr. Sandra Marie in this very special episode that focuses on the spiritual timeline starting from 1987 and moving to March 23, 2023 the day of the New Earth.

Mark discusses past, present, and future astrological events that are influencing the timeline. He shares his personal experience of being an active participant in the Harmonic Convergence in 1987.

Dr. Sandra Marie and Mark frame their timeline discussion on awakening, deconstruction, and reconstruction related to humanity, the earth, and societies. The conversation is framed in astrology and surpassing the tipping point of conscious awakening.

1987 the Harmonic Conversion
2011 the Christ Consciousness returns
2012 Aquarian Age begins
2019 Coronavirus
2023 March 20 Sun into Aquarius marking the beginning of the New Earth
March 22 Heaven’s Cross
March 23 Pluto enters Aquarius
2025 the Harmonic Conversion Ends
2044 Pluto in Aquarius ends

Bio: Mark Robinson is a medical intuitive with 30 years of experience. He uses dowsing and his intuitive shile to find root causes and origins of destructive imprints, beliefs, patterns and memories in all your lives and alters or removes their frequency so they are no longer sabotaging your life. This sets the stage for you to make a positive changes in emotions, thoughts, actions, and physical well being that will faciltate your growth, evolution and transformation.


Mark Robinson:

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